
Bishops Reconsecrating the United States to Mary on Friday, May 1st

Fr. Nick's Homily on Acts 7 - The Martyrdom of St. Stephen

Fr. Nick Homily on Acts 5 - How Jesus gives us access to the tree of life

Fr. Nick Homily on Acts 4 - about Barnabas, the Son of Encouragement

Happy Easter... still!

Divine Mercy Sunday and other updates from St. Charles

Fr. Nick Homily on Luke 24 - Four Properties of Our Resurrected Bodies

Great Books for First Communion

Fr. Nick Homily on John 20 - Recognizing the Voice of the Good Shepherd

Alleluia Gallery

Celebrating Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday at Home

Paschal Candle

San Damiano Crucifix Coloring Page

Celebrating Good Friday at Home