Favorite Holy Week Movies for the Family

  Please note that sensitivities vary widely for these very complex Bible stories. Please err on the side of caution and preview if unsure.

Old Testament Stories:

 Joseph, King of Dreams (ages 7 and up) - Rentable on Amazon Prime

Beautifully animated and amazing accurate rendering of the story of the Patriarch Joseph from the Book of Genesis. Focuses on the amazing story of how his brothers betrayed him by selling him into slavery, AND how God used those circumstances to later save his family and his people. We love the music from this movie as well.

 (Prequel to Prince of Egypt)

Prince of Egypt (ages 7 and up) - Rentable on Amazon Prime

The dramatic story of God's deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt is not only one of the most colorful in the Bible, but also foundational in many ways to our Catholic Holy Week celebrations, especially our remembrance of the Last Supper on Holy Thursday.

This animated version is both beautiful and engaging with many thoughtful elements, including the beautiful and memorable music. For an animated movie it is absolutely breathtaking in its portrayal of the sacredness of life.

The 10 Commandments (ages 10 and up) - Rentable on Amazon Prime

This is the more grown-up version of Prince of Egypt but we all still love both. Classic, epic Cecile B. DeMille, with all the pomp and pageantry you could hope for. This also tells a little more of the story than Prince of Egypt does.



New Testament Stories:

Jesus of Nazareth - (ages 10 and up) Free on Amazon Prime

Classic epic movie of the life of Jesus with an all-star cast. Intense and thoughtful and artistically beautiful. I don't think we've ever managed to watch the whole thing in a single Holy Week. Sometimes we start with the Birth of Christ and skip parts of the middle to catch the Passion, Death and Resurrection.

Ben-Hur - (ages 10 and up) Rentable on Amazon Prime

Epic adventure story (that takes place all over the Mediterranean) that culminates in a story of faith surrounding the events of Christ's Death and Resurrection. The movie is legendary for it's chariot race scene and won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1960.

 Risen - (ages 13 and up) Rentable on Amazon Prime

Beautiful and thoughtful story of Jesus' Resurrection and how it affected different people of the time.

Free Catholic Movies on Formed:

The Footprints of God Series: (Ages 10 and up)

Abraham: Father of Faith and Works
Moses: Signs, Sacraments and Salvation
David and Solomon: Expanding the Kingdom
Elijah and Elisha: Conscience of the Kingdom
Mary: The Mother of God
Jesus: The Word Became Flesh
Peter: Keeper of the Keys
Paul: Contending for the Faith
Apostolic Fathers: Handing on the Faith

The Saints and Heroes Collection (Animated - ages 7 and up):
Bernadette Princess of Lourdes
The Day the Sun Danced
Francis: The Knight of Assisi
Francis Xavier and the Samurai's Lost Treasure
Nicholas: The Boy Who Became Santa
Patrick: Brave Shepherd of the Emerald Isle

Saint Philip Neri: I Prefer Heaven (Ages 10 and up)
